We ll got up this morning and the sun was shining, the wind wasn't blowing and all was well with the world ...
(except that today is my 31st birthday)
(god that sucks)
As it looked like being such a beautiful day
(and as a way of forgetting that I am now even more freakin older than I was yesterday), we decided to take the puppies out on the boat on the Elliott River.
From the moment that Paul started up the boat and opened up the garage doors, the pups knew something was up.
Kinta is constantly at war with small engines and flips out whenever one starts up.
She used to try and bite the tyres of the quad bike on the farm and would bark at it whenever Paul started it up.
The mower and whippersnipper also incur her wrath.
All it took today was for her to hear the beep of the outboard and she launched into what we like to call "All Two-strokes Must Die".
However, this doesn't stop Kinta launching into the water and swimming like Thorpey on crack.
(Or what I imagine Thorpey on crack to swim like if he was on crack, which of course he isn't)
Leo is more of a poser than an athlete at the beach ... he just struts around on the shore in his white budgie smugglers, showing off his doghood to the laaadies.
But they both HATE it when one of us goes completely underwater. I was snorkelling on the surface today and when I went under Leo came swimming toward me barking and trying to touch my head.
When Paul jumped off the side of the boat to snorkel and the dogs and I stayed in the boat, Kinta went crazy yelping and barking and trying to jump over the side to reach him.
Anway, lots of fun had by all and we now have two very salty, very tired dogs in the backyard.

Kinta: "Thank heavens you're back Captain. I was about to throw Commander Kris in the brig and assume control of this vessel. Seaman Leo: as you were."

"In the navy Yes, you can sail the seven seas
In the navy Yes, you can put your mind at ease
In the navy Come on now, people, make a stand
In the navy, in the navy Can't you see we need a hand
They want you, they want you, they want you as a new recruit ...
Holy shit that's a big bird!"