Today was pretty traumatic for Kinta.
Not only did she have to deal with another female on her turf (see story on The Moose below) but she had to say goodbye to her second uterus.
Come to think of it, she probably didn't say goodbye to her first uterus.
A strange man just patted her head until she just fell into a relaxing, drug-induced puppy sleep and when she woke up it was gone and she had stitches in her belly.
Her second uterus was our 1995 white Holden Rodeo ute.
Kinta and Leo loved that uterus. When Kinta heard the doors unlock, she knew that a uterus-propelled adventure was on the agenda.
This is the uterus that helped Kinta stalk and hurl abusive barks at trucks and vans on the many kilometres of highway between Bundaberg and Glen Innes.
Only trucks and vans, never cars.
Car stalking is for pussies.
This is the uterus that carried Kinta and Leo to the beach for long swims on weekend afternoons.
Kinta and Leo would hear the loud feral rumblings of the diesel uterus as I rounded the corner on the way home from work. They would be waiting at the gates to greet me, all big doggy grins and wagging tails.
Kinta, Leo and the Uterus in happier times

Kinta, Leo and the Uterus in not so happier times

And to answer your question, yes that is doggy diarrhoea.
Tonight when the new owners came to take possession of Kinta's second uterus, she was a bit concerned.
As the uterus drove towards the gate, Kinta dropped her toy and ran behind it, her eyes darting back and forth between it and us.
It was like she was saying "Why are they taking my ute? They aren't taking my ute are they? They are just borrowing it aren't they? Like that time Aunty Liz and Uncle Joe borrowed it to move house? Right dad? Right dad? Dad?"
We explained to Kinta that we had bought her a much newer, much faster, much more comfortable and much more bloody expensive blue uterus and she had best shut her furry mouth and show some darn appreciation.
She seemed to get over the loss of the white uterus pretty quickly.
(Of course she did Kris you crazy dog lady. Kinta's a dog ... a DOG)
But, I don't think she will ever forget the fun times she had in the white uterus.
Leo certainly won't forget the wave of Kinta's post-beach spray poo that slapped his doggy face at 100 kilometres per hour on the road between Elliott Heads and Bundaberg.
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