Leo picked up this afternoon and didn't even have to buy the lucky lady a single drink.
He didn't even have to leave our street.
We were heading out on our daily walk when his eyes met a loose lassie who was strutting her stuff, working the whole street.
It was lust at first sight, with Leo particularly taken with her multiple heaving nipples.
We bought her into the yard as we didn't like the idea of her running down the street and possibly getting hit by a car.
As you can see by the photo, the car could come off second best.
This dog is a moose!
Anyway, I suspect that she prefers the ladies but Leo still tried to become her bitch.
Exhibit One: Leo attempts to stick the tongue in

After about 10 minutes in the cage, we decided to lock Leo and Kinta up on the deck so The Moose could have free reign of the backyard.
After determining that Leo wasn't going to follow through on the pick-up, we called The Moose a maxi taxi.
And by maxi taxi, I mean the local Animal Control van.
Alas, Leo shoots but Leo does not score.
On a serious note: this is at least the fourth time that I have called animal control in the past year to pick up a dog that has either followed me home or turned up in our front yard. I am so sick of it!! If the owners of these dogs would just put a tag with the dog's name and phone number on it I would ring them up to come and collect it. But since these owners don't, I feel absolutely no guilt about calling animal control to come and pick them up, thus landing the owners a hefty fine. Getting the dog off the street is a much safer option for the dog - whose welfare I care much more about than the owner's finances.
These people don't seem to care about their dog and certainly don't have any respect for the people who could be threatened by it or worse - swerve to avoid hitting it and have a car accident. Dog owners - get your shit together!
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